Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rebuke from Friends

I know its been a while (it always is). What can I share that's been happening in my life lately? Oh its been crazy... I've been learning a load about humility, priorities, and definitely letting go and trusting in God. And I'm circling community, as I have this past year. Unfortunately it'll take a while to share about all of the above. So I'll just share a bit about friendship.
"Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses" ~Proverbs 27:5-6
There are different perspectives from which you can take this verse.
1) Who is a friend to trust?
2) How can I be a true friend?
Who is a friend to trust: It takes humility to be able to really listen to feedback that others give us. I used to be, and still am very defensive when it comes to criticism. However, I have been reminded that others can have a much better view of your weaknesses, and it is only when they actually tell you that you can work on these weaknesses. The rebuke of a friend is very precious and it shows how much they care about you and want you to become a better person. The rebuke of a friend reveals much about their desirable character and qualities, and about how they trust in God. This leads me to the second point...

How can I be a true friend: Rebuking a friend can be tough. People hate to be told where they fall short. Ashamed, angry, exposed. Rebuke risks the relationship. It could make or break it. When you rebuke a friend out of love, you are placing your relationship with the person in God's hands, knowing that He guides you both. And you are also trusting God with where the relationship goes from there.

Remember that a brother or sister that rebukes out of love has your back. They believe in you– that you can change and become a better and more God loving person.

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