Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Redefining Friendship Pt 1

Today I was awoken with lingering memories from a dream from last night’s slumber. 

In the dream I was chatting and laughing and adventuring with friends I had not seen for, and had parted ways with, a number of years past, and my heart broke (yet again) as I reflected upon how we would not be crossing this next year together. I was surprised at this, for since it has been practically a decade since I laid the pain of friendship lost to rest, and at least several years since having walked with Jesus through the healing process for those old wounds, should there still be such a visceral ache in my heart at this very moment? 

Troubled, I arose at an unusual 6am, and began the day’s contemplation. As I journaled and sat with Jesus, a verse came to mind: 

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity - Proverbs 17:17

Now, one might read this as, there is love within friendship, and nothing is stronger than the support of God given family in times of trouble. However, as I contemplated, another lens began to surface, which I invite any who chance upon this to consider. 

As I dwell on friendship, love and family, and my true experiences of them, I begin to read this passage in another way:

The love of Godly Kingdom friendship endures all seasons of life, and out of Christlike love and friendship is born Kingdom Kinship which bears each other up in life’s times of sustained trouble, difficulty, pain, and lament. 

The deep love of Christ always has more capacity to love. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. For one, and for many. With boundaries, but also knowing no bounds. 

Though we might not walk side by side on the same path any longer, my love does continue on. 

Q’s for Contemplation: 

How have I viewed friendship up until this point? 

How have I been hurt by past friendships? 

How have I hurt others in past friendships?

How have these experiences shaped my view of friendship? 

How can I lean on Jesus as I continue to grow friendships in the present? 

How do I lean on Jesus as I continue to bear love and perhaps mourn friendships past? 

How do I love friends and friends turned kin with the love of Christ? 

Who is my kin in Christ? 

What does it mean to be kin in Christ? 

How does this shift in perspective impact my relationships? 

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